Sunday, 27 January 2013

Downland Relief and Headland abstraction

I have been able to spend a little more time on my artwork since the start of the New Year and having focused on smaller abstracts I decided to produce my first relief for quite a while.

This new relief 'Downland Snow' was inspired by the recent weather we have experienced here in Dorset and I have used a plain light oak wood finish to the frame to compliment the tones and textures.

I have also finished 'Headland Blue' which was started when I was at Portland Bill and in this piece I have tried to capture the essence of the heavy seas breaking on the headland rocks at dusk.

For more images and details please feel free to view the pieces in my eBay shop by clicking on this link

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

New work January 2013

I am happy to present two new works in completely different styles.

For the first 'Edge of  Dunes' I have set it floating in a boxed mount with grey background within a real wood frame finished in chalky lily coloured paint.

For the second I have borrowed the style of George Dannatt whose geometric style lends itself to creating an interesting Landscape abstraction.

The piece is set in a real wood shallow box frame behind glass.

For more details please click here

Friday, 11 January 2013

White Landscape

White Landscape

Oil and various paints with texturing medium on wood

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Down at the Coast

A happy New Year to one and all.

During the Xmas and New Year period I was fortunate to be able to spend time down at various parts of the Dorset coast irrespective of the weather.

I started a number of sketches on wood board which I am now completing before other work commitments take over my time.

I have maintained the smaller format of artwork set in box frames and pursue the 'abstract expressionist' style with textured layers to the surface.

Please click here for more details.