Friday, 22 November 2013

Coastal Walk I

Welcome to the first in a new series 'Coastal Walk I'
For more details email me @

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Martindown Horizons

A larger version of a style I have used in a recent series called Dorset Fields
this is Martindown Horizons

For details please click here

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Dorset Views - relief abstractions

Two reliefs presented as a pair - Dorset Views - as part of the series of work I have produced over the past few weeks. I would have liked to photograph them side by side which is the way they have been created to hang but unfotunately I do not have a blank wall wide enough to do so!

Limbering up well on my return to the artwork and I am starting a new relief and two larger paintings tomorrow and I thank my customers for their purchases over the past few weeks which has spurred me on!

For more details please click here

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Dorset Fields II

This is the second of two pieces - Dorset Fields II - I would like to thank all my customers for their positive reaction to the first piece as well as the encouraging comments regarding my return to producing artwork

For further details click here

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Starting again - 'Dorset Fields' -SOLD

Over the last six months I have been focused on the commercial world and business plans for a large corporation which has left me little to no time to produce much artwork. I am happy to present a new one completed at the weekend as a way of starting and is the first in a series within which I hope to capture the dorset countryside in its autumn colours