When I started painting two years ago a legacy of my years in commerce was that I set myself a goal. This was a simple goal. One day, I said to myself,I would paint like Peter Lanyon and Michael Canney and sell my work through the Austin Desmond Gallery,Bloomsbury,London.
Coastal Evening - Richard Witham - SOLD |
My Mother said 'well if you are going to have a dream may as well make it an impossible one'!
So here is my version of 'walking in the footsteps of giants'. Here in my blog I can present work by both Lanyon and Canney and also Richard Witham!
Peter Lanyon www.bookroomartpress.co.uk/biographies/artist/31
Here I bow to superior knowledge and refer you to the site above for more information regarding the artist For my part it was only when I saw his paintings in real life that the impact of their size - colour -and movement hit me.
Headwind |
Like most artwork although one can appreciate it via books and other media it will only resonate with you when you are able to stand in front of it. A little like a blind date - no matter how much you communicate on line or by phone - nothing prepares you for the truth that will reveal itself when you physically meet for the first time!
Sarascinesco Series |
Unlike Peter Lanyon I have always felt that Michael Canney has perhaps not gained the befitting widespread recognition his work deserves. The work and the importance of the art of the Modern British artists is somewhat of a 'secret garden' affair and is missed by the wider less knowledgeable general public.
Michael Canney
Again I would refer you to a greater source of knowledge that you can find at this website http://www.michaelcanney.co.uk/ should you like to discover more about the man and his artwork.
Dark Coast |
Since discovering Michael Canney's work I have found his work inspirational through its diversity which becomes apparent when you view his gallery of artwork on this site.
To view my own artwork please click here